( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught <b>42S02</b><dl><dt>Funkcja<dd>Database::prepare<dt>Zapytanie<dd>select cID, cNazwa, cURL from tZaklady where cInstytut = 2 and cFunkcjonuje = 'T' order by cNazwa<dt>Parametry<dd><dt>Komunikat<dd>Table 'dbMatInf.tZaklady' doesn't exist<dt>Kod SQL<dd>42S02<dt>Kod<dd>1146</dl>
thrown in /data/http/matinf.uwb.edu.pl/htdocs/lib/db.php on line 217 |
( ! ) ExceptionDBMySQL: 42S02 in /data/http/matinf.uwb.edu.pl/htdocs/lib/db.php on line 217 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0003 | 591336 | {main}( ) | .../struktura.php:0 |
2 | 0.0215 | 3007152 | Zaklady->__construct( $database = class Database { protected $type = 4; protected $host = 'localhost'; protected $port = 3306; protected $name = 'dbMatInf'; protected $user = 'metahtml'; protected $password = 'nph-engine'; protected $charset = 'latin2'; protected $dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=dbMatInf'; protected $opt = [0 => TRUE, 3 => 2, 12 => FALSE, 1002 => 'SET NAMES latin2']; protected $dbh = NULL; protected $sth = class PDOStatement { public string $queryString = 'select cID, cNazwa, cURL from tZaklady where cInstytut = 2 and cFunkcjonuje = \'T\' order by cNazwa' } }, $instytut = 2, $url_prefix = ??? ) | .../struktura.php:41 |
3 | 0.0215 | 3007688 | Database->prepare( $query = 'select cID, cNazwa, cURL from tZaklady where cInstytut = 2 and cFunkcjonuje = \'T\' order by cNazwa', $params = ??? ) | .../struktura.php:18 |
4 | 0.0309 | 3018456 | Database->exception( $function = 'Database::prepare', $message = 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table \'dbMatInf.tZaklady\' doesn\'t exist', $query = 'select cID, cNazwa, cURL from tZaklady where cInstytut = 2 and cFunkcjonuje = \'T\' order by cNazwa', $params = [], $info = [0 => '42S02', 1 => 1146, 2 => 'Table \'dbMatInf.tZaklady\' doesn\'t exist'] ) | .../db.php:268 |