( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught <b>str_pad(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated</b><dl><dt><dt>Plik<dd>/data/http/matinf.uwb.edu.pl/htdocs/pl/studenci/plan_zajec.php<dt>Linia<dd>110</dl> thrown in /data/http/matinf.uwb.edu.pl/htdocs/pl/studenci/plan_zajec.php on line 110
( ! ) ExceptionError: str_pad(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /data/http/matinf.uwb.edu.pl/htdocs/pl/studenci/plan_zajec.php on line 110
Call Stack
10.0005612392{main}( ).../plan_zajec.php:0
20.02043035168str_pad( $string = NULL, $length = 1, $pad_string = 'I' ).../plan_zajec.php:110
30.02043035384exception_error_handler( $errno = 8192, $errstr = 'str_pad(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated', $errfile = '/data/http/matinf.uwb.edu.pl/htdocs/pl/studenci/plan_zajec.php', $errline = 110, $errcontext = ??? ).../plan_zajec.php:110