dr inż. Krzysztof Szerszeń


  1. K. Szerszeń*, E. Zieniuk
    A Procedure for Approximating Boundary Conditions with Chebyshev Series in PIES Based on Automatic Differentiation
    37th European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Tuluza, Francja, Oct 24-26, 2023
    EUROSIS-ETI (org.)
  2. A. Bołtuć, K. Szerszeń*, E. Zieniuk
    An Algorithm for Eliminating the Boundary Layer Effect in the Integral Identity in PIES for 2D Orthotropic Problems
    37th European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Tuluza, Francja, Oct 24-26, 2023
    EUROSIS-ETI (org.)
  • * Presentation
  • ¹ A chairman of a session
  • ² A member of the Organizing Committee
  • ³ Student
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